屏幕快照 2020-01-08 下午3.26.22.png




Project: Face2Face ( Face2Face Homepage )

Platform: mobile (IphoneXR+ARKit3)

Project Period: 4 months

Teammates: Zhaoyi (Ashley) Liang, Chang Liu, Freya Li, Huijun Shen, Liam Philiben

Supervisor: Shirley Saldamarco, Dave Culyba, Katherine Isbister


Face2Face is a transformational game that uses AR and facial recognition to bring people closer together.

The team from ETC is building, in collaboration with Professor Katherine Isbister and the Social Emotional Technology Lab at the University of California, Santa Cruz, a transformational mobile game that uses the facial tracking capabilities of ARKit to help people feel more comfortable in social situations.

My Role: Programmer & Technical Artist

As a lead programmer and tech artist for Face2Face, I designed, prototyped and implemented game systems and player interactions on iOS. I also created shaders in Unity for blending faces and making face masks, made special effects in Unity.